
Posted on Apr 05, 2020 by Mark Muehl - Christian Leadership

Holy Week is upon us and the certainty of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection is in grand contrast to the news of the day. As we experience a sense of fear and uncertainty even more than 9/11 and as the unknown is shared with non-stop urgency, we are facing the reality of not gathering for worship this week.

The disciples knew our fear. The night of Jesus' resurrection, they had a self-imposed stay at home order; theirs was in “fear of the Jews.” (John 20:19). Jesus' words to them? “Peace be with you.”

Peace be with you.

Indeed. Peace be with you.

This is not merely a quietness within. This is more than confidence. This Peace is the Prince of Peace and He is with you and times like these...where two or three are gathered.

Hopefully, we never experience a spring like this again. Hopefully we never experience this kind of fast again. But our greater hope is in Christ and all that His life was meant to be was, and is, for us.

Holy Week will still mean Maundy Thursday and remembering- remembering Christ’s new testament for us.

Holy Week will still mean Good Friday and the hours of suffering of our Lord for our sins, and ultimately with His death for us.

Holy Week will also still mean Easter. Triumphant from the tomb- Jesus. Alleluias raised to heaven. Joy unleashed.

Indiana’s governor and our local health experts' issuance of the stay at home order could damper the emotion of the week, but the message is still the same and our Jesus is still the same.

Please be sure to look for the links to the services for all of Holy Week at your church and others as well. We at TLSP are gathering the links (websites and Youtube channels) and will post them on our website on Wednesday.

May I make a reminder and plea- send in your offerings to your church. Pastors and church leaders are being faithful to their calls and are providing unique avenues to hear Christ’s words for us. Streaming and recording worship services, leading daily devotions, sharing devotional materials for you to use at home- praise God for our pastors!

Our financial support is quite needed. By mail, by drop off or by electronic means, be sure to share your tithes and offerings. In fact, if you will be receiving a CARES Act relief check, consider the possibility of giving it to your church or some other supporting ministry (dare I say TLSP?) in thanksgiving for your health, for your family’s health and for the sharing of Christ.

Peace to you. May the proclamation of the Gospel ring in your ears as you hear of Jesus redeeming work.