State Representative Bob Behning Visits Fort Wayne

Posted on Oct 09, 2017 by Mark Muehl

The Lutheran Schools are grateful for State Representative Bob Behning’s (R-Indianapolis) visit to Fort Wayne on Wednesday, September 27.Rep. Behning toured Concordia Lutheran High School in the morning, Lutheran South Unity School in the afternoon, and led a lunch presentation. In addition to visit included spending time with students and community leaders discussing school choice. Behning said school choice has been growing in popularity on the national level with many states looking to Indiana as a model for future programs.
“There’s a lot to learn from being inside Hoosier classrooms, and I always enjoy spending time with students and educators at their schools,” said Behning, chair of the House Committee on Education. “Some of our best education policies stem from conversations that happen in the classroom. Seeing kids and teachers interacting and learning together offers insight on how our innovative education programs are performing.” The lunch presentation was attended by local principals, clergy, school board members, and fellow State Representative Dave Heine (R-district 85) and State Senators Dennis Kruse (R-district 14) and Liz Brown (R-district 15).Rep. Behning has been a state representative since 1992, is considered one of the fathers of school choice in Indiana. and is a member of Calvary Lutheran Church, Indianapolis. We thank Rep Behning for his strong leadership and pray God continues to keep him strong in faith.